Friday, February 7, 2014

Basic Info

So now that my preparations are becoming finalized, I figure I should put together this blog.

Welcome, dear reader to what should hopefully, in a few months' time, be a journal of the most intriguing part of my life thus far. You can call me Ananda. Not my real name, but at this point it may as well be.

I'm a 24 year old male currently living and working in Beijing, China, as an English Teacher. I quite like my job and the lifestyle here, busy and hectic as it can be at times. I've definitely adapted, and have come to truly love China as my new homeland.

That, however, isn't the purpose of this blog. Oh no, my dear reader, I have yet another adventure in mind. For it seems that my preparations are being finalized for realizing an ambition I've had for at least 5 years now: visiting and seeing North Korea firsthand, with my own eyes.

I've been in touch with a travel agency to the country, and it looks like finally, this dream of mine will be realized. I'm using this blog, accordingly, to document my travels there.

Right now, this isn't much to look at. It's past midnight here in China, I'm tired (but REALLY excited at the prospect of all this). But I promise you, later this year, this should be really interesting, so keep me bookmarked... maybe...? Thanks! ^__^

Oh, and if you have ANY questions for me at all, please feel free to ask them here:!/user/anandaxthexred/timeline