Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tour Info

Good day my dear readers.

My apologies for leaving this blog relatively destitute in the past few weeks. Life has been relatively busy (if quite rewarding and interesting) as of late. And notably, as I've yet to go to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea yet, there's still remarkably little for me to put here.

Yet now is quite close to the Day of the Sun, and as such, I'm in my final preparations for my trip.

I'm going to try in these next days before leaving, to make a post of sorts every day regarding my background/interest in North Korea.

If anyone is interested in asking me any inquiries / suggestions for posts, please feel free to do so, and I'll do my absolute best to oblige.

As a first of these, I figured it would be wise to bring all of you up to speed on exactly when/what I'm doing in North Korea.

For starters, I'm travelling with a company called Young Pioneer Tours. They're based here in China, and I've had friends who have had good experiences with them.

For years now it's been a dream of mine to be in Pyongyang for Kim Il Sung's birthday - April 15th - and they seem able to coordinate that and much more quite awesomely.

So, for reference, here is the itinerary of the tour I'm taking:

In particular, I'm in Group B, flying both ways.
